2020 is here, can you believe it? It’s amazing to me how eagerly we welcome the New Year and new possibilities. For the first few weeks of a new year so many of us proudly share our resolutions and goals for the world to see. The truth is all of the likes, hearts, and reposts do absolutely nothing if you don’t have a plan to back it up. As normalcy returns to life, excuses set in.
Before you know it the end of 2020 will be here. You’ll say to yourself the very same thing you’ve said year after year, “Dang, it’s the end of the year and I didn’t accomplish any of the things that I wanted to do.” Ouch! That hurts! I know because I’ve definitely been there. Goals without a plan of action is like trying to milk a cow with your hands. Sure, you’ll capture a little bit of milk here and there, but the majority of it will be wasted.
As the infamous saying goes, “Ain’t nobody got time for that!”
You want to change some habits and achieve new goals this year. But, how committed are you to making the necessary changes? Now is the time to stop talking about it and get it done!
4 Steps to Get on Track to Change Your Habits and Crush Your Goals
- Write down your goals and refer to them frequently. There is something very powerful about pen and paper. I don’t know what it is but personally, I find I’m more determined and intentional when I write things down. Give it a try!
- Think small! It sounds counterintuitive, right? The reason for this is that goals need to be actionable. They have to be broken own into reasonable steps that can be accomplished with consistent, dedicated effort. When you successfully complete a step, celebrate it and keep pushing forward!
- Find an accountability partner or coach. I strongly recommend this! Being your own cheerleader can be overwhelming at times. The stakes are raised when you are being held accountable for your actions. This is a great way to challenge your productivity.
- Track your time. “I don’t have time to…” We are all given the same 1440 minutes in a day. The difference is how we manage them. Be objective with your time, start tracking it. Consider a time-tracking app to determine precisely how much time you spend on various tasks. Review the weekly time report. Learn how to invest those three (actually six!) hours spent binging on Netflix into more productive activities.
Share how these strategies work for you by commenting below.
If you don’t feel you have the discipline to initiate changes on your own, sign up for the Refresh 2020 Challenge. Join me and a supportive community to learn how to establish goals and implement strategies to improve your health and well-being!
Author Dr. Shyron Alston